ประกันสุขภาพเหมาจ่าย, แผนประกันสุขภาพ ปลดล็อค ดับเบิล แคร์


My Health Plus Rider - Double Care (HSMHPDC)

1 This initial premium of coverage Plan 1 for the male applicant age of 35 years old male can purchased My Health Plus Rider - Double Care (deductible) at the amount of 30,000 Baht per the Policy Year.

2 Doubling of the Maximum Benefits per the Policy Year, which will start from the date that the Insured is diagnosed and confirmed with the Critical Illness conditions for the first time as specified in the Policy.

Double the maximum benefits from 30 Million Baht to 60 Million Baht per the Policy Year, when the Insured is diagnosed and confirmed as an afflicted with 1 of 10 the specified Critical Illness for the first time.
Actual payment for the medical service fees, such as fees for Lab and  Xray, fees for the surgical operation, Hemodialysis, Chemotherapy, Targeted Therapy, medical treatment fee for the Injury due to the Accident of for the Outpatient within 24 hours and medical treatment fee in ICU.
Coverage for vaccination fees and annual health check-up fees with the maximum plan 5,500 Baht/Policy Year.
  • To receive a maximum benefits up to 30 million Baht per the Policy Year.
  • Double the maximum benefits from 30 Million Baht to 60 Million Baht per the Policy Year, when the Insured is diagnosed and confirmed as an afflicted with 1 of 10 the specified Critical Illness for the first time.
  • Actual payment for the medical service fees, such as fees for Lab and Xray, fees for the surgical operation, Hemodialysis, Chemotherapy, Targeted Therapy, medical treatment fee for the Injury due to the Accident of for the Outpatient within 24 hours and medical treatment fee in ICU.
  • Provide continuous coverage after discharging from the hospital discharge such as rehabilitation fee, physical therapy fee and the follow-up Physical appointment fee.
  • Coverage for vaccination fees and annual health check-up fees with the maximum plan 5,500 Baht/Policy Year.

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  • The above premiums are calculated from the My Whole Life 90/21 life protection plan. The insured amount is 200,000 baht and the insured in occupational stages 1 and 2 chooses to pay annual premiums only.
  • For sales reasons only, this information is only preliminary. Customers should review further details on the policy's coverage, terms, conditions, exceptions, and benefits.
  • The company reserves the right to determine insurance in accordance with its criteria.

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  Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3
Maximum Benefits​ 8,000,000 Baht​
per the Policy Year
15,000,000 Baht​
per the Policy Year
30,000,000 Baht​
per the Policy Year
Special: Doubling of the Maximum Benefits per Policy Year, if diagnosed and confirmed as the Afflicted with 1 of 10 Critical Illness* as listed at the first time.​ 16,000,000 Baht​
per the Policy Year
30,000,000 Baht​
per the Policy Year
60,000,000 Baht​
per the Policy Year
"Double the Maximum Benefits per policy year, which will start from the date that the Insured is diagnosed and confirmed as the Critical Illness as defined in the Policy for the first time, and the double benefit will be increased continuously for the next 4 Policy Years, and it can be increased 1 time per 1 Critical Illness.​

However, the maximum benefit amount per day and/or time as stated in each coverage (clause 1 – 3) remains the same as specified in Table of Benefits."
My Health Plus Double Care Example of Maximum Benefits per Policy Year

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The 10 deadly diseases* are:
  1. Acute Heart Attack
  2. Major Stroke
  3. Coronary Artery By-Pass Surgery
  4. Invasive Cancer
  5. Major Organs Transplantation or Bone Marrow Transplantation
  6. Surgery to Aorta
  7. Cerebral Aneurysm Requiring Brain Surgery
  8. Major burn
  9. Surgery for Idiopathic Scoliosis
  10. Open Heart Surgery for the Heart Valve

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Benefits and Coverage Coverage Plan (Baht)
  Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3
1. Benefits for the case of Inpatient.​      
1.1 Room and board and service fees in the Hospital per day**​​ 3,000 6,000 15,000
1.2 Nursing service fees**​​​ Actual payment​​​​​​​
1.3 Room and board, service fees in the Hospital and Nursing service fees in ICU**​​​​ Actual payment​​​​​​​
1.4 Physician fees for treatment per day**​​​​ 2,000 4,000 10,000
1.5 Taking home medication prices per time​ 
(Maximum of 15 days per each Hospital Confinement)​​​​​
20,000 30,000 50,000
1.6 Other medical treatment fees as specified in the contract having examples as follows:​​​​​
- Medical service fees for diagnosis or treatment ​
- Medicine prices, parenteral nutrition fees, and medical supplies fees​
- Medical treatment fees for surgical operation (surgery) and procedures​
- Day Surgery​​​​​​

Actual payment​​​​​​​
2. Benefits for the case of Outpatient, having examples as follows.​      
2.1 Hemodialysis fees, chemotherapy fees including the Targeted Therapy, and radiation therapy fees for tumor or cancer.

Actual payment​​​

2.2 Medical treatment fee for the Injury due to the Accident for  the Outpatient within 24 hours of each Accident
2.3 Diagnostic radiology fee and clinical laboratory diagnostic fee (which occurs within 30 days before the Hospital Confinement and within 60 days after such​ Hospital Confinement) such as X-ray, CT scan, MRI, Ultrasound and Blood test etc.
2.4 Medical treatment fees as the Outpatient after the Hospital Confinement for the continued treatment within 30 days after such Hospital Confinement (OPD Follow up) (Maximum of 2 times per the Hospital Confinement)
2.5 Rehabilitation fees after the Hospital Confinement per time​ (Maximum of 2 times per the Policy Year)
2.6 Emergency ambulance service fees
2.7 Medical treatment fees for minor surgery such as incision of abscesses, wart excision, hemorrhoids etc.​​
3. Other Additional Benefits having examples as follows:      
3.1 Annual health checkup and/or vaccination fees per the Policy Year​
(This Endorsement must be effective continually more than 12 months)
1,000 2,500 5,500
3.2 Medical treatment fees as the Outpatient for the treatment of continuous Injury within 30 days from each date of Accident and the treatment of such Injury shall occur within 24 hours of such Accident such as physician charge for the
follow-up visit, clean the wound and stitch off etc.​
Actual payment​​​​​​​
**There are no limits on the maximum number of days per the Policy Year, but it must not exceed the maximum limit of the benefits per the Policy Year as stated in the Table of Benefits.​​
  • Applicant’s entry age:
    - For age 1 month 1 day – 5 years old: be able to buy only Plan 1 (deductible).
    - For age 11 – 70 years old: able to buy Plan 1 – Plan 3 (Renew up to age 89 years old, cover up to age 90 years old)
  • Can be able to attach to the Basic Policy as specified by the Company, and the Sum Assured of such Basic Policy shall be  100,000 baht onwards. 
  • Others additional condition
    - Applicant having age of 1 month 1 day – 5 years old can buy My Health Plus - Double Care (HSMHPDCD)” with Deductible only. A premium payer must hold any health coverage rider (IPD) of Allianz Ayudhya Assurance Pcl. and the policy is effective until the date this insurance plan applied.
    - Be able to buy a health coverage for the outpatient (OPD)
    - Medical check-up rules and underwriting are in accordance with to the Company’s conditions
The Insured is entitled to a personal income tax deduction for the premium of health coverage, not exceeding 25,000 Baht per year (if any) and the premium of the life coverage but both shall not exceed 100,000 Baht per year, according to the Revenue Department regulations.
  • Any congenital disorder condition or incomplete development of organ, or genetic disease or physical development abnormality, except this Rider has been effective for not less than 1 year and the symptom manifests itself after the Insured reaches 16 years old.
  • Medical treatments which are still in the experimental stage, medical examinations or treatments for disease or condition of obstructive sleep apnea, medical examinations or treatments of sleeping dysfunction or snoring.
  • Pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion, childbirth, complications caused by pregnancy, solutions of infertile (including investigation, analysis and treatment), sterilization or contraception, except for the Choriocarcinoma.
  • My Health Plus Double Care is the marketing name. The name of insurance plan stated in the policy contract is My Health Plus Rider – Double Care and Endorsement of Other Benefits.
  • The payment of benefits under My Health Plus Rider – Double Care and Endorsement of Other Benefits after deducting the Deductible (if any) altogether shall not exceed the Maximum Benefits per the Policy Year as specified in the Table of Benefits. However, it shall not cover expenses from the medical treatment occurring outside Thailand either planned or unplanned treatment except for the Emergency Patient outside Thailand. The first date of treatment abroad must be within 30 days from the date of departure from Thailand in each time (according to the date and time of Thailand).
  • Deductible means the first part of the damage that the Insured must take responsibility for according to the obligations under an insurance contract.
  • The 30,000 Baht deductible per the Policy Year does not include other benefits under Item 3.1 on annual health check-ups and/or vaccination fees.
  • The Company shall pay the benefits for Illness occurring after 30 days from the Rider Effective Date.
  • The premium of a rider or endorsement for the renewal year, as mentioned in the schedule above, may be adjusted according to age and/or occupation of the Insured. In addition, it may be adjusted according to the Company’s regulations.
  • Medical check-up rules and underwriting are in accordance with to the Company’s conditions.
  • The information contained in this website is provided as illustrative information only. The customer is advised to study further information regarding an insurance coverage, terms and conditions, exclusions and benefits from the Company’s policy only.
  • The customer should understand the details, coverage and conditions of the insurance plan before applying the insurance.
Coverage by Allianz Ayudhya Assurance Public Company Limited
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