ประกันชีวิตระยะยาว, แผนประกันชีวิต อยุธยาชีวิตมั่นคง




Life Insurance

Ayudhya Secure Life A85/X

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Provide the life coverage until 85 years old with the fixed premium throughout the contract term according to the budget set by you and adding the health and accident riders.
  • Pay premium starting at a low price of only THB 225 per month (example of premium for male, at age of 35 years, Sum Assured: THB 64,958, the payment period: 25 years).
  • Select premium paying align with your specific budget because there are the premium periods for selection: 10, 15, 20 or 25 years, and provide life coverage till 85 years old.
  • Have a chance to receive the Accumulated Special Addition Sum Assured from the beginning of the 2nd Policy Year and have a chance to receive the Maturity Dividend.
ประกันชีวิต, ความคุ้มครองและผลประโยชน์

**Accumulated Special Additional Sum Assured: It is the Annual Dividend in the form of Special Additional Sum Assured accumulated from the first year that the Company declares the Special Additional Sum Assured. The above calculation is only a sample.

     Special Additional Sum Assured: The Company may consider paying Annual Dividend in the form of Special Additional Sum Assured. For this insurance plan, the Company will consider paying at the rate of 2.0% of the sum assured staring from the beginning of the 2nd – 4th policy year, and then the Company will announce it in each year. This Annual Dividend in the form of Special Additional Sum Assured depends on the investment return which the Company will allocate to the Insured and will be different for each insurance plan. In addition, it depends upon the conditions, provisions and the calculation of the Special Additional Sum Assured which the Company will consider in each year. The above calculation is only a sample.

***Maturity Dividend: The Company may consider paying the Maturity Dividend to the Insured. The Maturity Dividend depends on the investment return, throughout the policy lifetime, which the Company will allocate to the Insured and the investment return may vary from year to year. The Maturity Dividend will be different for each insurance plan. In addition, the Maturity Dividend depends upon the conditions, provisions and calculation which the Company will consider at the maturity date. The above calculation is only a sample.

  • Age of Insured for the plan having the premium payment period: 10, 15 and 20 years is 1 month 1 day – 65 years old. For the plan having the premium payment period: 25 years is 1 month 1 day to 60 years old.
  • The minimum Sum Assured is 50,000 baht.
  • The minimum annual premium is 2,500 baht.
A life insurance premium is able to claim for a personal income tax according the Revenue Department regulations. However, if the insurance policy in effective before the period of 10 years or your do not comply with the Revenue Department regulations. You may be taxed.
  • In case of non-disclosure or misrepresentation, the Company has the right to void the Policy within 2 years from the Policy Effective Date or the renewal of Policy or reinstatement or the date that the Company approves the increase of the Sum Assured only the increasing part.
  • In case the Insured commits suicide within 1 year from the Policy Effective Date or the renewal of Policy or reinstatement or the date that the Company approves the increase of Sum Assured only the increasing part, or is murdered by the beneficiary.
  • The underwriting shall be in accordance with the Company’s underwriting guidelines.
  • The information contained in this website is provided as illustrative information only. The customer is advised to study further information regarding an insurance coverage, terms and conditions, exclusions and benefits from the Company’s policy only.
  • The customer should understand the details, coverage and conditions of the insurance plan before applying the insurance.
Coverage by Allianz Ayudhya Assurance Public Company Limited
DBD e-Registration