You can see the informaion of Index level and Exchange Rate since 5 November 2024
  • Index refers to BNP Paribas Multi-Asset Fortitude RC ER Index. For more information on the index, please visit Multi-Asset Fortitude - BNP Paribas Indices - The bank for a changing world
  • BNP Paribas Multi-Asset Fortitude RC ER Index is based in US Dollar. Therefore, the index performance will be converted into Thai Baht using appropriate USD exchange rate. The payout will depends on the initial/final index level and USD exchange rate movement during the contract period, which is reported in Reuters Screen Page “THBFIX” at 3:30 p.m. (Bangkok time).
  • The policy issue date is the date that your insurance application is approved.
  • Index level on the initial valuation date is the level of the index at the investment start date (calculated within 45 days from the policy issue date).
  • The exchange rate on the initial valuation date is the exchange rate at the investment start date (calculated within 45 days from the policy issue date).
  • The Company has a policy to Invest in an option referenced to the index level within 45 days from the policy issue date. The final index valuation date shall be calculated within 45 days prior to the contract maturity date.
  • If the final index valuation date falls on weekend or holiday, the valuation will be made on the next business day.
  • In an event that the index provider of BNP Paribas Multi-Asset Fortitude RC ER Index, the index used in the dividend calculation, fails to provide index valuation while the policy is still effective, the Company reserves the rights to replace the index with an alternative it considers appropriate. In case  the Company fails to secure appropriate replacement, the Company shall make cash payment in accordance with the company's conditions, after which the company is no longer obliged to pay maturity dividend.            
  • PR (Participation rate) is the rate that allows the Insured to participate in positive return from the increase in index valuation from its initial level. This product will use the participation rate of 50%.
  • The company has the right and obligations to fulfill the promises specified in your contract.

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Index Code


Index Factsheet

Index Name BNP Paribas Multi-Asset Fortitude RC ER Index